Tuesday 24 May 2011

strip heater

Plastics such as acrylic can be formed (shaped) in different ways.
One of the most popular methods of shaping plastic materials
like acrylic is to fold (bend) it on a ‘strip heater’, at different
angles. An example of a strip heater is shown below.
A heating element extends along the length of the strip heater
 and gives off intense heat when it is turned on.

The desk organiser seen opposite has a steel wire frame and plastic shelves. The selves have been folder on a strip heater. This heats the plastic along a line so that it becomes soft and flexible. It can then be folded to almost any angle. Thermoplastics such as Acrylic (Perspex) are most suitable for this type of product as they can be shaped when heated.
The diagram below shows the ‘disassembled’ desk organiser.
 The shelves have been removed to reveal the steel frame
behind it. When the shelves clip back on to the frame, the
organiser it forms can ‘free stand’ on a desk. The desk organiser
 can be used to hold folders and paper etc.....

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