Wednesday 25 May 2011

lesson 9

Today we contunied on are design. I was working on layer 3 but I was in the process of cutting the arms and the cookies on the cardboard. With layer 3 I am doing the cookies then I am cutting another layer on top for the arms.

This is how Mr Andrews showed us how to use the vacum former.

  1. Put the design on the base
  2. Turn the vacum former on
  3.  Then shut the top part of second base of the vacum former
  4. Then put the themo plastic on
  5. Clip the themo platic safely on to the top part of the second base
  6. Pull the top part of the second base to melt the themo plastic
  7. Push the top part of the second base down on to the design 
  8. Push up and down to close the air

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